Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm a proud mum

My son (David) went to see the director of the SA film Company the other day. He had emailed them a script for a short film that he had written and the bloke wanted to have a chat. David came home with a firm commitment from the company that they were really excited with his script and that they were going to fund him so he can turn his script into a film.

How proud am I? Pretty proud.

So now he is hiring the crew (some of which he worked with when he was at film school two years ago). I'll keep you posted when it is released.

I'm going to be a famous mum - I mean a mum of a famous person ;).

This is my son - he's pretty excited..

Well done son.


Linds said...

Amazing! Well done to your son! Let us know all about it as it happens and when it is done too.

Aliadelaide said...

Wow! Mary I knew he was good when I saw he shared his film the other night. What a talented young man...takes after his mother of course!
Congratulate him from me

JulieMom said...

Wow! That's awesome! And of course you'll auction off free tickets to the premiere???

Hats off to him! Way to go!