Saturday, December 6, 2008

The gratitude test

1= strongly disagree
2= disagree
3 = slightly disagree
4= neutral
5 = slightly agree
6= agree
7= strongly agree

These are the things which you are to grade -
- 1. I have so much in my life to be thankful for.
-2. If I had to list everything that I felt grateful for, it would be a very long list.
-3. When I look at the world, I can see so much I can be grateful for.
-4. I am grateful to a wide variety of people.
-5. As I get older I find myself more able to to appreciate the people. event, and situations that have been part of my life history.
-6. Very short amounts of time can go by before I feel grateful to something or someone.
-7. I practice saying Thank you to those who deserve to be thanked on a daily basis.

The higher your score - the more grateful you are.

My score was 33.

According to the scale, a score of 41 and above suggests you are intensely grateful. Under 27 may suggest you could probably use a bit of 'Thank You power' in your life.

I was able to identify the area that I can improve on. For me it was to practice displaying this gratitude and recognizing on a daily basis things I have opportunity to be grateful for. I also recognized that although I can make an intellectual list I need to allow The Spirit to move it from head to heart.

What I have decided to do (or been led to do) is take on the challenge given by Deborah Norville in her book, 'Thank You Power', and record daily at least three things that I could and should be grateful for.

Deborah asks that you record anything that uplifted you,, brought a smile to your face or put your own woes into perspective. She then asks that you write down why this was good for your life/ journey. Finally, make a note of who, if anyone, played a role in what you've recalled for the day and how that person impacted on your life.


- It forces your focus onto what went right today, versus the inevitable things that went wrong.
- It brings you into the present not the 'woulda' - 'coulda' - 'shoulda' - looking at life.
- It reminds you of the interconnectedness of life - we can sometimes go days with out human contact. We need to be reminded about how others have contributed to our lives.
- It enhances self-esteem. Good things happen to good people - therefore I am good because something good happened to me today to which I will show gratitude.

Your frame of mind when engaging in the practice is important. I do not want to practice gratitude in order to simply achieve the benefit. I want to practice gratitude because Scripture says 'In everything, give thanks'. God gave us a key to a fruitful life. It is time I started thoroughly practicing. Let's face it- too much naval gazing on the woes of your life can be damn right depressing.

Well, I am off to start my day now.

Gratitude 1: I am thankful for this opportunity to share my journey through blogging. I recognize that friends such as Linds, Judith Crystal, Julie (and others) are faithful and encouraging and make me feel valued. Thank You.


Linds said...

See - I TOLD you to wake up and list things you were grateful for to make your day start well!

This is such a positive post, Mary - I hope your day is spectacular!

Crystal said...

I have been trying to live more like this too! Amazing how we can find those who have the same interests, cares and loves as we do!! I like the part where you explained about little things - that's what I'm trying to be most mindful about.

And the song you blogged yesterday - one of my absolute favourites!!! Have a great weekend!

Judith said...

Way to go, Lady. I am walking behind you. You are more of an encourager than you may realize.
Keep it up.

Aliadelaide said...

Hi Mary
I have been hearing this from lots of different sources!Time I started listening i guess...

I am thankful for a friend like Mary who keeps me moving in the right direction!

Aliadelaide said...

hey Mary wondered if you'd seen posts like this one before:

Aliadelaide said...

Me again to say thanks for your comments on my blog! Have a great week!

JulieMom said...

What a great idea! I'm with Linds- listing thankful thoughts will penetrate and create a thankful heart. So good!