Friday, May 2, 2008

I'm going to turn 50 in spite of my denial.

Came across these quotes -

"Remember age is just a number, which keeps getting larger". Is that meant to cheer me up? I have just put back on 10 kg due to this whole 50 thing.

"Age is an issue of matter over mind. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!" Well clearly I do mind!

"Well - behaved women barely make history - so why don't you be happy, be a little mad, be free, be outrageous, wild and silly?" Been there, done that! The cost is wrinkles, overweight, bunged up knee, guilt and borderline insanity.

"You used to look in the mirror in the mornings and find fault with yourself. Now you have the wisdom to have joy in the living of life." Who writes these things? What joy? What wisdom? I still have a mirror, I can still see!

"The consolation of growing older is that as you lose your mind, you don' miss it as much." Purely inspirational that one!

So, there are 18 more days before the BIG '50' day arrives.

Do I really care about the age of 50? Not really (ok, so that's not exactly true). Although, I am aware that time flies much quicker as you get older, and, as I feel I am not in the right place yet and I have not really discovered who I really am yet, or, what I really should do with my life, or, what my health is going to permit me to do, or, how I am going to be able to discover what I want to be when I grow up - phew - I realize that as much as a turning 50 is not meant to be such a big deal (these days) , it has become one!

Has anyone got a spare 'Time Machine?


A slightly different way of looking at it would be perspective. Do you see an old woman or a young woman in this image?

1 comment:

Linds said...

You are still a baby. I will be 54 in 25 days time, and so help me, I am NOT old. Ok, so I creak, but I am still alive and full of dreams, and no, I do not know a soul who can say "I know who I am." Isn't that the fun part of life, the finding out? I surprise myself.
So relax, and enjoy it all. Spoil yourself. Do something out of the ordinary. I flew in a hot air balloon just before my 50th. cross something off that list!

Have a great weekend!