Monday, May 19, 2008

Oops a daisy - keeping it real

Brenda is hosting the keeping it real meme. This month the theme is 'Stupid Mom moments".

Here's just two of my many 'Oops a daisy', mummy moments:

I need to set this up a little first so I will back up a couple of months. We were Salvation Army Officers and had just been given our first posting as newly weds. The posting was in the middle of no man's land. So here I was a new bride with a new posting in a far off land with no family support and had just discovered I had fallen pregnant on my honeymoon. I was violently sick the whole pregnancy. I hemorrhaged several times and ended up with an emergency C section (a whole different story). Ok, I just wanted you to understand that I had been under a little bit of stress. I was dismissed from hospital after three days and was back at church doing my thing on day 5. I thought I was coping really well. Everything looked fine on the outside. Baby dressed, fed etc. I was back at work with baby in pusher. I am a coper and I was coping very well.

Oops a daisy 1.
So, baby is one week old and we decide to drive to the next town to get some supplies. Everything was going like clock work. Boy I even amazed myself at how well I was coping!

We entered the supermarket and grabbed two shopping trolley's. I put the baby capsule in one and we used the second for the shopping. Perhaps it is essential that I point out at this stage that I am a bit of a control freak. Anyway, I was trying real hard to be in control of both trolley's. You know how it goes? You're doing your mum bit by pushing the trolley with baby, but you are also actually getting the supplies off the shelf and placing in the other trolley. Husband is a side accessory. His job was to push the food trolley.

Well, we came to the butter section and I, for the love of me, could not decide what butter to get. My mind was just not cooperating. I labored over this choice of butter as if my life depended on it.

Husband patiently waited for as long as he could. He must have decided that he would take this opportunity to go down the next aisle and grab his razor blades.

There was a lovely young shop assistant observing my butter dilemma. In the end I asked for her opinion and she recommended a particular brand.

Satisfied, I turned around and placed the butter in the shopping trolley and proceeded to merrily shop away.

Have you worked it out yet?

I got half way down the next aisle when I realized that I was pushing the wrong trolley. There was definitely no baby capsule in this one!

What was wrong with this scenario? Oh my ......... I have abandoned my new baby!!!!!

I raced back to the butter section - my heart pounding.

There she was none the wiser for my neglect. I thanked the shop assistant profusely for her care - giving duties and left the store. Husband eventually found me and went and rescued the food trolley.

Oops a daisy 2

Husband and I drove the long distance back to city to have a little visit with his parents. It was our first anniversary. First born was now 3 months old. Nanna had offered to look after our baby while we went for a meal together. We chose a hotel close by and after slapping on a little lippy we took off for some well deserved 'alone' time.

Husband pulls up into the car park and I jump out and head for the back door. I open the door and reach inside. Then I let out an almighty scream! Husband asks what is wrong. I tell him in a hysterical way that we have left our baby in the capsule on the pavement outside his Mum's place.

Husband kindly reminds me that Nana was caring for the baby and she was safe.

Now, whenever first born acts a little insecure, I have a bout of guilt and wonder if she is suffering the psychological impact of abandonments?

Other than those two moments I was a fully functioning mother. Oh there was that time when I came out of the supermarket with three children under three years of age in tow and couldn't remember where I had parked the car. But every mum does that, right?


Brenda said...

I don't think there is anything more embarrassing than wandering around the parking lot frantically hitting the panic button on your keys so it can give you a hint of where your car is, while trying to act really cool while walking TOWARD the store with a basketfull of groceries and children asking loudly, "MOMMY, HAVE YOU FOUND THE CAR YET?"

I have SO been there. Thanks for sharing! I loved your vocabulary.

JulieMom said...

Good stories. And I'm sure you are a wonderful Mother. If you didn't admit to slip ups now and then, you wouldn't be!!

I will think heartily and then post my addition to the KIR spectacular.


Linds said...

I have many of thiose type of moments too, now I come to think about them!I think every Mum does....

Aliadelaide said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Mary,
Happy Birthday to you!!