Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What's in a name?

"Sticks and stones may break by bones but names will never hurt me!"

Well that statement is definitely debatable. I read that name calling is intended to wound one's self respect. Name calling is personal. Hurt occurs when you don't see yourself in that light.

I heard a group of students getting into a bit of name calling today. The recipients of the names were laughing nervously, I thought, and were flat out trying to make claim, by their behavior, to the above statement that names do not hurt. They failed miserably. With trained eyes, I could see the, barely hidden, hurt. Admittedly, most of the names were said in 'jest'. However, many had a little edge to them.

It got me thinking about the power of name calling or adjective titles that are bestowed on us. That of course got me thinking of some of the names / titles I have been called at various times. Many of them hurt, many of them uplifted me, many were spot on and many were so far off the mark they were laughable.

So, some names (or titles) that I have been called are;

Creative, Tenacious, Loyal. Bossy, Best Teacher, Bitch, Stupid, Clever, Industrious, Obsessive, Needy, Dramatic, Control Freak, Loser, Darling, Honest, Fatty, (Wolf whistle), Liar, Leader, Friend, Ugly, Mummy, Loyal, Flirt and many , many more.

As you can see - some names are not that bad - easy to embrace - uplifting. Some names are insulting and designed to offend.

Which names stick?

As I was thinking of the best way to talk to my students on the affects (positive or negative) that name calling can have, I remembered the story Wemmicks. This is a beautiful story - with a powerful message.

"Why don't the stickers stay on her?"

"Because she has decided thatwhat I think is more important than what they think. The stickers only stick if you let them."


"The stickers only stick if they matter to you. The more you trust my love, the less you care about the stickers."

"I"m not sure I understand."

"You will, but it will take time. You've got a lot of marks. For now, just come to see me every day and let me remind you how much I care."

"Remember. you are special because I made you. And I don't make mistakes."

Punchinello didn't stop but in his heart he thought, 'I think He really means it."

And when he did, a dot fell to the ground.

Names may hurt - but this I know - I have been created in His Image. I am a child of God.


P.S. A truly heartfelt thank you to everyone who prayed me through my last post. - blessings.


Linds said...

You know - I looked at the list you wrote, and by my interpretation, there are way more positive than negative things there - and I class bossy, obsessive, control freak etc as positive, because the chances are they wer3 uttered by people that a)you were teaching, or b)your kids who actually needed you to be all those things.
The rest of the neagative things were probably said by people wanting to hurt you.
Why then do we forget those multiple positives and let the few negatives keep jabbing us? You were right to go to Punchinello. Remember that!

Linds said...

And I can spell. Just never check.
add a c) to the above - inadequate people

Crystal said...

Good morning! Your post today is very thought provoking and I like how it ends. Yes - child of God!

You asked about showing the Compassion pictures at school - I'm sure it's okay but you can go to their site (compassion.com) and I think there's a 'contact us' button.

Aliadelaide said...

Hi Mary
This is for you!


You are such a special person to me!

Edith said...

Love this post - it's so true. And I love that story about the Wemmicks! It is hard to remember but so true.


JulieMom said...

Wanted to leave a comment yesterday and my computer wouldn't let me. :0( Thought of some names to call it. :0)

I, too, have hurtful names in my past from people. But then I remember Who I belong to, and that I am HIS child. It goes a long way to comfort me.

Never forget that.