Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The prison of want - The burden of discontent

The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.

Max has started to break the 23rd Psalm down. I like the way he punctuates his message with lots and lots of metaphors - analogies - parables. But more of that later.

The question pounding in my head (over and over and over again) - therefore demanding some serious reflection is - Am I in want? Is there something - that I want, that I crave, that I feel I do not have that may be the missing link to my happiness?

Am I in want? Let's flip it around a minute and ask - Do I have everything I need that will bring me peace, joy, happiness?

My friends, the resounding response needs to be - I am in want!

Remember, I am reflecting and looking at this want issue within the context of things that will bring me peace, joy and happiness. Of course there are things that I have. I have a roof over my head, a car, food in the cupboard, a job (for now), internet (P.T.L), clothes, a few dollars spare for the minor (very minor) crisis, etc etc. I also have three children who have made it through to young adulthood without being lured into alcohol, drugs, promiscuous behavior or a nasty nature. Oh yes, I do have things - and for these I am grateful.

Still, there is no hiding the truth - when it comes to my spiritual well being - I am in want.

Max sets an exercise up - he asks the reader to write down what they think they need to make them happy ( he actually calls it meddling - sweet man). In essence what he is asking is - What do I think I am in want of? What is separating me fromjoy?

Here goes -

I will be happy when I ...

Actually I need to change this a little . I know what I need for spiritual well being. I also know that gaining material things will not be the answer - in the long run. I need to acknowledge the things that make me happy and bring a sense of joy.

I am happy when I am acknowledged.

I am happy when I share with my friends (joy or hardships).

I am happy when I am slimmer.

I am happy when I feel financially more secure.

I am happy when I sing.

I am happy when my children nurture a relationship with me.

As I was thinking of the things that make me happy it was easier when I considered what made me feel sad, or disappointed, or hurt. Many of the things that make me happy , I noticed where dependent on other people. Not quite a revelation - but ...... I need to get this addressed.

Of course the solution is presented nicely, in the scriptures. The Lord is My shepherd.... I Shall Not Want. I get it Max, I get it! When you really consider (and live it) that the Lord is your shepherd then and only then can you feel that you have everything you need - you are wanting for nothing.

So, I must conclude that one of the things I am in want of is a conviction that the Lord is my shepherd. Again I find myself intellectually 'getting it' - but- clearly not 'living it'. There is a block there, for sure.

But why?

Oh, I'm sure that I know the answer - simply put - TRUST.

I find it hard to trust God. I know, that's a pretty big confession (brave move Mary!).

Sure, I trust on a superficial level - but I realize that when you have been expected (from a very young age) to be strong, to be a survivor, to be a leader, then it is quite a challenge to really submit your will to another - even if that 'other' is God himself - you know - the Creator!

Needing some spiritual intervention on this one.

Maybe chapter by chapter - as I read more about the shepherd - I will discover a way to live a life without want. The shepherd being all I need.


Linds said...

You are writing superbly here! The want/need thign is so huge for all of us, especially when it comes to the spiritual/emotional side of things. Thank you for sharing your progress through the book here, Mary.

Elspeth said...

Big confessions are good for the soul. Great post!

Crystal said...

This is an interesting post! I think I need to read the book. Your thoughts mesh with our sermon yesterday based on Matthew 25:14 - 30 and the parable of talents. The message came down to "God asks you to jump with Him this week - are you ready or are you going to bargain your way out of it?" Trusting that God will continue to work in you, Mary.