Saturday, September 13, 2008

Feeling a little poorly

Oh me, OH my!

I did something I rarely do yesterday. I took a day off work. I had been struggling with some aches and pains around various parts of my body. I was surrounded by staff and students who were falling like flies with some kind of cold / flu / virus thing. I was hanging in there!

I thought that I probably could have soldiered on if I really had to - but considering the fact that there are no rewards or thank yous for being a martyr - I decided to look after myself - for once.

Oh me, Oh my.

I feel absolutely awful!!!

Man, I tell you, if I take any more pills, syrups, or potions my liver might just chuck a wobbly.

My throat feels like a razor traveled past at 100 km's an hour. I can feel the sinus scorching snot burning it's way down.

I have this wheezy kind of cough that doesn't stop until I am dry reaching. The ball of phlegm just a little shy of being coughed up, which means another bout of coughing within a short time.

The elastic band across my nose and forehead is cutting into my headache. My right ear is drumming out a war dance cry.

Oh me, Oh my.


Did I get worse because I took a day off (guilt complex)?


Am I a martyr after all and really should have taken Wednesday and Thursday off as well?


I'm sure I'll be just Hunky Dorey bu Monday.

I'm off to dose myself up a little more ( already as high as a kite) - I have tickets to the theatre this afternoon. I have my daughter on stand by in case I land on the bed in a coma.

Catch you all later.

1 comment:

Linds said...

This sounds like something we all had up here a while back, and can I just say that you will probably be in bed another week. Stay there. Do not get up until you are really better, or you will be back and worse. Sleep. And you will be as weak as a kitten. Rest. Do not move. I have spoken.