Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh my golly gosh.....cry me a river.

I went to the hairdressers knowing full well they had their work cut out for them. The lovely little girl asked me what colour I wanted. I informed her with a bit of a cheeky grin that I would rather like to have the colour she was crowning.

Off to work she went. Two bleach baths later...(I heard her say initially that the bleach would stay on for 5 min - huh! 40 min later she was saying things like, 'ooh, that is coming down nicely; just another 5 min or so!". I heard her say that many, many times and I could see the look of concern on that sweet little face of hers).

To her credit she did work on my hair for four hours - yep you heard right!

She even blow dried it for me. I had a little bounce and style for just a little while.

I lied when she asked me if I liked the colour. I tend to lie to hairdressers - go figure!!!!

She recommended that I come back in three weeks (I need that long for my hair to recover from all the stripping)so she could put some light brown highlights in. You know, to tone it down a little.

I can't wait 3 weeks.

No way Hosea!!!!!!

I kept going to the bathroom and taking a quick look in the mirror. Each time I went for the review I thought it was kinda growing on me. I even managed to convince myself that it wasn't too bad. After all if Deborah Harris can pull it off... well?

It really didn't help that I woke up this morning feeling like pooh. There are things going down in my little part of the kingdom which I feel powerless to control. Depressing the life out of me.I am becoming very cranky at the moment.

When I looked in the mirror this morning (hoping against all hope that it was a little less coppery blonde - miracles do still happen) the bejeebies were scared right out of me.

There will be no pictures. I wouldn't put you through it!

On another topic, there are not many photos of Queensland to show. I took the camera without the battery charger.

How quiet is it in bloggy land at the moment?

Where are all my friends. And why are some of you ignoring me?

See, I told you I was becoming cranky ( although some of you may think that 'becoming' is under playing it - clearly I have arrived... )

Still, you know what would cheer me up? A visit from my friends.

Come on over,,, Blondie will put the kettle on.


Edith said...

Oh are much braver than me I think! Sorry it turned out so blonde.

I'm around...just haven't been writing much or visiting blogs. :( But please stay around...continue sharing.

Hang in there!

Rosaria Williams said...

Mary,you are just shocked by the new look. You'll get used to it. How bad can it be?

Kym-Anne said...

Hi there Blondie,
Isn't it funny how we lie to hairdressers, I wonder why?
I had my hair cut back in November, I said just take an inch. What's that saying give them an inch they will take a mile! It has taken all this time for my hair to grow to an acceptable length to have it trimed again.
Really, I'm sorry your hair didn't turn out as planned.

Crystal said...

You must share a picture - please?!?!?! And this is the thought I always keep in my mind: "It will grow out."

Sorry I haven't been visiting - we were away for a couple of days with our daughter - details to come on the weekend.

Hope things are working out for you.

Linds said...

Hah! I am here. I need to see photos. And you know that I am having a hard time settling after the Bath bit. So I AM NOT IGNORING YOU. I will be around........!


Word verification = torrat.

Aliadelaide said...

Hi Mary
Not ignoring you; just dealing with a few "issues" line not working to receive phone calls due to weather but the internet still works...go figure;anyway just checkin in and saying howdy.

Therese said...

lolololol. I was trying to hold my laugh in. The family are watching some drama on TV.

Love the post. Next time, say to the hairdresser, well it is a bit different from what I was expecting.

I have said that to a couple when I have had a perm. I now know the perfect perm for me. I go and get it each January.