Friday, July 18, 2008

Positive self image

What a week it has been!

My oh My!!!!!

Boy oh Boy!!!!


"How you see yourself is much more important than how others see you. Discover your inner strength."

What a week that was - man that was one week, that was!!!!!

Let's just say that I needed the inner strength of a lion.


Linds said...

So tell us more.... what happened during the week???

Linds said...

Hello? Tap tap? Is this thing working? Are you there?

Crystal said...

HI, Mary - I just found my way over here via Linds and her blog. I've enjoyed catching up on your posts (ah, the in-laws!). I'm joining the ranks of substitute teachers next year so I read your comments about your job with great interest. I hope this week is going better for you. God bless!